Subject Reps

Subject Reps are all in their second year or beyond, and so have the ability to advise you on any aspect of your course – get to know them well, and feel free to bombard them with questions, before, during, and after Freshers’ Week! You will meet them at your subject picnic in the first couple of days, and they will be organising various other social events throughout the year, bringing together everyone in your subject. They all work hard to safeguard the interests of your subject within the college and beyond.

This page will be updated with the remaining subject reps shortly.

Subject reps for 2024–2025

Anglo-Saxon, Norse and CelticSerena Neilsonsen42
ArchaeologyEmily Bradlyeb982
ArchitectureAyaan Mahmoodam3241
Asian and Middle Eastern StudiesElla O’Loughlin, Gabrielle Killickeo377, ghk27
ClassicsMaria Teresafm599
Computer ScienceAneesah Khan, Prateeti Saranak2442, ps975
EducationErin Abrahamsea634
EngineeringEmily Carlton, Githika Peddisetti, Rahul Sharmaec891, gvasp2, rs2288
GeographyThomas Buicktb794
HistoryAnna Viehhauserfb572
History and Modern LanguagesEloise Thompson, Amelia Makstutiset540, am3238
History and PoliticsMax Eshelbyme531
History of ArtRosa Worleyrw747
Human, Social, and Political Sciences
Land EconomySaanvi Sethiss3091
LawIsabella McNicholas, Niamh Caffertyim573, nc644
MathematicsCharlie Griffith, Tom Dobbycg843, td517
MedicineMaria Fudulache, Avanti Weerasinghe, Becky Kimmrf51, aew93, jk930
Modern and Medieval LanguagesMae Auckland, Áine English, Molly Middlebrookma2098, ae538, mm2766
MusicIsaac Chankhc49
Natural Sciences (Biological)Hannah Kelly, Angelina Campbellhk553, ac2635
Natural Sciences (Physical)Alexander Evans, Sophie Stevensade38, ss3078
Psychological and Behavioural Sciences
Theology, Religion, and Philosophy of Religion
Veterinary MedicineSummer Breen-Levine, Maya Sivathanusb2710, mrs93