If you’re a current society and wish to be added, contact the webmaster at ucs-admins@srcf.net.
CCK Rugby (men’s)
Captain (Clare): Ed Banbury (eb986)
Captain (King’s): Harry Jones (hdjj2)
Instagram: @cckrfc
Current, former or aspiring rugby players of any ability and experience are welcome at CCK, a joint team made up of Clare, Corpus Christi and King’s students. Matches are every Saturday afternoon, plus a few top-tier socials every term. If you’re interested in getting involved, email eb986@cam.ac.uk.
Clare and Caius Basketball
Captain: Harry Ford (hf376)
Instagram: @claius_basketball
We are a joint basketball team with Caius college which competes throughout the year in both the college league and cuppers tournament. Whether you are a rookie or a seasoned veteran of the game, please come and give Clare x Caius basketball a go - we would love to have you!
Training times: TBD - will be announced on the Instagram page and messenger chat
Clare and King's Squash
Captain/President: Aaron MacWhirter (am3204)
Clare Squash is a club for people with any background/ability level in squash - from absolute novice to pro! We will try and get together to play at least once a week as a club.
Following last year's success of reaching the cuppers Semi-Finals, we hope to go one further this year! Join to play squash casually or competitively at club social nights and in the mixed league against other colleges.
The club was refounded in 2023 after disappearing during the pandemic. Since then we have climbed to division 5 after a season of good results in Michaelmas and Lent.
Inconsistent training on Thursday nights, but may change depending on numbers that sign up. All training / social squash nights will take place at the Kings school squash courts
Clare Badminton
Captain: Daoyi Chen (dc807)
Vice-Captain: Varun Latthe (vl331)
Playing badminton since 1326. Unlike our founding days in the 14th century, anyone is welcome to come. Play casually, and/or uphold Lady Clare's legacy in the inter-college league. Saturday 3-4pm, University Sports Centre.
No sign up required, just turn up and play. Join mailing list for any changes and messenger group for league matches
Training times: Saturday 3–4pm, University Sports Centre
Clare Boat Club (Rowing)
Captain (Overall and Men’s): Lucas Chaplin (lc909)
Captain (Women’s): Chrissi Runkel (cr661)
Vice-Captain (Men’s): George Poole (grp39)
Vice-Captain (Women’s): Kizzy Hinchliffe (kh749)
Instagram: @clareboatclub
Email: clare.men@cubc.org
Here at Clare Boat Club, we pride ourselves on being as accessible as possible to all levels of ability with rowing. We truly value every single person who signs up, and will always find ways of bringing out the strengths in each individual. We're open to experienced rowers, complete novices who are keen to learn, and even those who aren't too competitive but simply want to try out the sport. Rowing at Clare is completely free (not universal among the Cambridge colleges) and so we encourage everyone to try it out at least once. It's a very expensive sport to get in to normally!
Anyone wishing to try out our sport should sign up at the Sports and Societies Fair, then give us a visit on Sunday 13th October for our Novice Taster Sessions to get your very first taste of what this sport, so closely tied to the heritage of the university, can give to you.
At our Novice Taster Session, you can give rowing a try (hopefully in the sunshine) and sign up to row for the oncoming Novice term as well. Even if you don't think rowing is for you, come along anyway! You'll only know for sure after trying it out, and you'll get a free burger at the barbecue for your efforts as well.
If you've already got rowing experience and want to row for Clare, please contact Lucas Chaplin at clare.men@cubc.org and explain your experience, and we'll get you rowing with our experienced boats as soon as possible.
Clare Climbing
Co-presidents: Prateeti Saran (ps975) & Ashwin Sridhar (as3549)
Instagram: @clareclimbing
Tiktok: @clareclimbing
Email: clareclimbing@gmail.com
We're a casual low-commitment indoor (and hopefully outdoor) rock climbing society. We're open to all members, regardless of experience - some of our committee were absolute beginners last year too :)! We're hoping to organize weekly indoor bouldering meetups (Rainbow Rocket or Kelsey Kerridge), along with indoor roped climbing meets a couple times a term (driving up to Milton Keynes), open to all! Along with that, we've got exciting socials going on throughout term (climbing into clubbing, pub crawls, society swaps, etc.) All equipment (climbing shoes and harnesses) is provided, and we guarantee a great time!
Clare College Men’s Football Club (CCFC)
First Team Captain: Ben Keeling (bk471)
Second Team Captain: Ed Parker (ep683)
First Team Vice-Captain: Josh Taylor (jt905)
Instagram: @clare.college.fc
We welcome any level of player, offering both competitive football and more relaxed games that are open to all. We will also run a social event at least once a term which is another great way to meet new people and socialise, alongside weekly training sessions to stay fit. For more information head over to the Instagram account @clare.college.fc and we look forward to seeing you!
Training will take place on Fridays from 8-9 at Kings College School (next to the UL) and games will be played at the weekends.
Clare College Netball (Mixed & Ladies)
Co-Captains (Ladies): Hannah Douglas (hd501) & Erin Abrahams (ea634)
Co-Captains (Mixed): Chloe Levieux (ctl49) & Jamie Binns (jb2566)
Instagram: @clarenetball
Facebook Group: Clare Netball 2024-25
We are a casual, friendly, and supportive sports society open to all – including those with no prior experience! We enter two teams (mixed and ladies) into the inter-college leagues, which have weekly matches in Michaelmas and Lent terms, and are hoping to make some marginal gains in the league this year. Come along for a good time with good people!
Look out for information and updates on our Instagram!
Clare Running and Athletics Club
Co-presidents: Ed Parker (ep683) & Aadarsh Khimasia (ak2446)
Women's + NB Inclusion Officer: Flora Borthwick (fb572)
Clare's accessible and friendly running community! We plan to offer a forum for runners of all levels and experience to get together, to provide friendly and accessible running at Clare. This includes group outings to ParkRun followed by cafe socials, a group chat for organising runs, and led taster sessions for various Track and Field events.
We are also well connected and represented in the university Athletics and Cross Country clubs, so are a great way for Clare students to find out more about the uni set-up.
We will use all platforms to announce runs and track sessions where applicable. Our most regular session will be Eddington parkrun and a Sunday Long Run. Also hope to run jump sessions at the track
Clare Women's Cricket
Captain: Sophie Martin (sm2717)
More info on @bluescricket on Instagram and via emailing Sophie
Clomerton Lacrosse (mixed)
Co-Captains: Ollie Isaac (oi235), Tilly Heaton (th708) & Alex Taylor (at2018)
Instagram: @clomertonlax
A great way to learn a new sport and meet new people! Open to complete beginners (most of us were before we joined!). Non-contact matches on the weekend against other colleges, a joint team made up of Clare and Homerton students. Everyone is welcome! No kit needed, just good vibes 🙂
Training: Jesus Green, Sunday mornings ~11am
PCCH Women’s and Non-binary Fotball
Co-Captains: Anna Viehhauser (amav3) & Amelia Makstutis (am3238)
Instagram: @pcch_wnb_football
We are the women and non-binary football team from Clare College, Peterhouse, and Clare Hall. Very casual, open to all levels, even complete beginners. We aim to have weekly practices and frequent inter-college matches during Michaelmas and Lent terms.
Look out for training and match information on our Whatsapp group!
Penguins Ultimate Frisbee
President: Mahmud Haji (mh2169)
Captain: Max Bowman (mb2517)
Instagram: @cambridgepenguins
Email: penguins.ultimate@gmail.com
Ultimate Frisbee is a team sport played with a flying disc. The best way to get a sense of what it’s all about is to come along and try it! We hold weekly training sessions involving throwing practice, some drills and lots of games – anyone from complete beginner to national-level player is welcome to join us. Matches for the friendly but competitive College league are usually at weekends, and there’s a tournament at the end of each term. Our team comprises players from a few different colleges, so playing with us is a great way to meet people from other colleges too – plus we organise plenty of socials and formals. Get in touch with Mahmud (mh2169) for more details or if you have any questions.
Look out for training and match information on our WhatsApp group!
Clare Actors
President: Mia Da Costa (md958)
Vice President: Yuvan Vasanthakumaran (yv220)
Instagram: @clare_actors
Link to join our mailing list: https://lists.cam.ac.uk/sympa/subscribe/soc-clareactors
Clare Actors is Clare's own student-run theatre society. We run a variety of shows and events throughout term, particularly Clare's annual May Week Play in the Fellow's Gardens, as well as organising workshops and theatre socials!
We are also able to support small projects and shows outside of Clare, so make sure to reach out anytime if you have any questions or would like to work with us!
You can find us and our projects on Instagram (@clare_actors) and on camdram.net. Send any inquiries to our President Mia Da Costa (md958) 🎭❗
Clare Art Society
Co-presidents: Prateeti Saran (ps975) and Anna Viehhauser (am2815)
Email: clareartsociety@gmail.com
Clare Board Games Society
President: Fergal Duggan (fjd35)
Vice-President: Francesca Ward (fw378)
Clare Board Games Society is a relaxed, open-to-all club that meets weekly to play some fun board games. No commitments required, just turn up when you feel like rolling some dice!
We tend to congregate on a Thursday evening in the Castle End Common Room. Email fjd35 or fw378 to get involved in a brilliantly laid-back way to unwind during the busy term that usually involves biscuits…
Clare Book Club
President: Mary Skuodas (ms2921)
Instagram: @clarecollbookclub
Clare Book Club is a friendly book club that meets a few times every term. If you want to do some reading, have a chat, and get a tea or drink together then look no further! There’s never any pressure or requirement to read the books, so swing along to our next meeting and say hi!
Clare Chess
President: Owen Mackenzie (om379)
This society is dedicated to chess and its variants for people of all skills and abilities, be you a complete beginner or grand master all are welcome. We meet on Tuesday knights in the gatehouse, but even if you aren't free then feel free to join the mailing list for weekly (maybe) chess puzzles and jokes and for the opportunity to play (and maybe even captain) in the intercollege league!
Email the president (om379) to be added to the mailing list.
Clare Christian Union
Christian Union College Reps: Dan Goody (dg643), Susannah Scott (ss2849) & Matthew Sherwood (ms2832)
Instagram: @clarecollegecu
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ClareCollegeCU
Clare CU exists to give everyone in Clare, whether a Christian or not, the opportunity to explore who the God of the Bible is, and what that might mean for them. We meet in Clare every week on Saturday at 5pm to read a passage from the Bible together, to discuss what it means and how it might apply to us, and to pray. Please feel free to join us at any time, whether you’ve been a Christian for years, you think Christianity is total nonsense, or you have no idea what you think - everyone is welcome! If you’re interested in exploring Christianity but that sounds a bit intimidating, we run various other one-off events throughout the year - keep an eye out for ‘Text a Toastie’, an opportunity to ask us any question you want to about Christianity, which we’ll answer over a free toastie! Please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions about anything - email one of our college reps (Dan Goody dg643 Matthew Sherwood ms2432, Susannah Scott ss2489), or contact us via our Instagram account (@clarecollegecu) or Facebook page (Clare College Christian Union).
More information on the university-wide Christian Union can be found on Instagram, @cambridge_cu
Clare Climbing
Co-presidents: Prateeti Saran (ps975) & Ashwin Sridhar (as3549)
Instagram: @clareclimbing
Tiktok: @clareclimbing
Email: clareclimbing@gmail.com
We're a casual low-commitment indoor (and hopefully outdoor) rock climbing society. We're open to all members, regardless of experience - some of our committee were absolute beginners last year too :)! We're hoping to organize weekly indoor bouldering meetups (Rainbow Rocket or Kelsey Kerridge), along with indoor roped climbing meets a couple times a term (driving up to Milton Keynes), open to all! Along with that, we've got exciting socials going on throughout term (climbing into clubbing, pub crawls, society swaps, etc.) All equipment (climbing shoes and harnesses) is provided, and we guarantee a great time!
Clare College Cutty Sark Investment Society
President: Jessica Liu (xjl23)
Vice-President: Maya Xiao (zx307)
Secretary: Nina Fortikova (nf407)
Instagram: @cuttysarkinvestmentsoc
Website: cuttysarkinvestmentsociety.co.uk
Email: cuttysarkinvestmentsociety@gmail.com
Clare College Cutty Sark Investment Society is the biggest student investment fund in the UK dedicated to female and non-binary students, with >£98,000 asset under management. Our meetings are usually held on Sunday afternoons at 2 pm in Riley Auditorium, Memorial Court. The aim of the society is to provide a relaxed environment for students to discuss investment-related topics and appreciate the intricacies of finance while building up financial skills. We hope that by creating a female-friendly environment where our voices are not drowned out, we can help more women become financially literate, gain hands-on investing experience, and the skills and confidence to succeed in finance. We require no prior knowledge from potential members; anyone with an interest in finance are welcome to join. During our weekly meetings, we conduct training sessions for all members to learn together, followed by immediate applications through discussions, analysis, and stock pitch on our portfolio in different sectors. In addition to portfolio management, we also organise speaker events and networking sessions to amplify our influence on fellow female students from all academic fields outside of Cutty Sark. Our past speakers include CEOs, MDs, and Heads from top asset management firms.
Members sign-up link: https://forms.gle/k1YHzxYqwm9ZhgL48
Clare College Medical and Veterinary Society (CCMVS)
Co-Presidents: Patrick Devlin (pd533) & Sultan Aslam (sfa37)
Instagram: @clarecollege_medvetsoc
CCMVS is the Clare community and support network for medics and vets in college. We are a friendly and welcoming society who run a range of social, welfare, and academic events throughout the year for medics and vets with our highlight being the termly CCMVS dinners!
Clare College Music Society (CCMS)
President: Evie Perfect (ep718)
Vice-Presidents: Eoin Jenkins (ej403) and Isaac Chen (khc49)
Orchestral Manager: Emily Long (eal60)
Instagram: @claremusicsoc
Facebook: Clare College Music Society
Clare College Music Society is one of the biggest and most highly regarded music societies in Cambridge. There are many ways to get involved.
Recitals are held in the College Chapel every Monday lunchtime at 1.15pm, enjoyed by fellows, students and members of the public alike. Evenings of Reflection are also held in the Chapel on select Wednesday evenings at 9.30pm and are an excellent way to wind down after a hard day’s work.
If you are interested in playing in one of these recitals next term please contact Isaac Chan (khc49) to enquire.
CCMS also holds orchestral and choral concerts at the West Road Concert Hall every term. This is a great way for instrumentalists to get involved. The concerts also function as a platform for exciting new works by budding Clare composers.
If you would like to be part of our orchestra, contact our Orchestral Manager, Emily Long (eal60).
Due to its busy schedule, CCMS is one of the most exciting societies to be a part of in Cambridge. Its recent operatic focus has been a particular success, with performances of Britten’s ‘Curlew River’ and scenes from Mozart’s operas. CCMS’ allure is compounded by its much-envied social calendar which includes concert afterparties and termly formals!
To keep up to date with CCMS events and opportunities, follow us on Instagram or Facebook.
Please contact the society president Evie Perfect (ep718) for more information, any official enquiries, or to be added to the CCMS mailing list.
Clare College Computer Science Society
President: Sophie Ring (sr2079)
Vice-President: Prateeti Saran (ps975)
Instagram: @clarecompscisoc
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/R4cBJ3eu
Email: clarecompscisoc@gmail.com
Open to all students with an interest in computer science, regardless of degree! We aim to host events and socials with different colleges and subject societies.
Clare D&D Society
Vice-President: Archie Craker (ac2618)
Instagram: @claredndsoc
Dilettante Society
President: Stelios Sycallides (ss2843)
Overseeing Fellow: Dr Patricia Fara (pf10006)
Facebook: Clare Dilettante Society
As its name may signal, the Clare Dilettante Society goes back to the college’s Victorian days, and more specifically 1882. The word ‘dilettante’ in Italian literally means ‘amateur,’ the connection being that the vast majority of the society’s events consist of talks given by members of the college (and beyond!) on subjects that they are passionate about, but which lie outside of their academic focus. Absolutely everyone is welcome to these events which are held 2-3 times a term and which usually feature tea and light refreshments.
Clare Engineering Society
Co-Presidents: Githika Peddisetti (gvasp2), Mindy Chen (mc2462) & Rahul Sharma (rs2288)
Instagram: @clarengsoc
The Clare Engineering Society is for all undergraduate Engineering (and Chemical Engineering) students at Clare. We will be holding formal swaps, first year initiation events(helping first years to integrate into college life), socials and much more!
Clare Goes Green
Co-Presidents: Rose Dolan (rd666) & Priya Watkinson (pw508)
UCS Liaison Officer: Lily Sear (ls997)
Instagram: @claregoesgreen
Mailing list sign up: https://forms.gle/bK4oHTvp9wMNd8xX6
Clare's sustainability society! We organise social events (garden tours, flower arranging, formals) and work with college and the university more widely to push for a greener future. Follow us on Instagram @claregoesgreen to keep up to date with our events and open meetings or DM us/contact rd666 if you're interested in getting more involved.
Clare Growers
President: Catriona McCleery (cam256)
Vice-President: Mary Skuodas (ms2921)
Instagram: @claregrowers
Clare Growers is a friendly, relaxed allotment society. We have two small allotment plots in Castle Court (2nd and 3rd year accommodation site) where we meet to dig, grow vegetables, and paint things! No experience is required, just enthusiasm and fun ideas. Peas and Love, Cat and Mary!
The two allotment sites at Castle Court are free to use by anyone at any time - for company or to join us in our weekly sessions DM us or drop us an email! Usually 1:30pm on Sunday
Clare Islamic Society (ISOC)
President: Ashruf Guenaoui (ag2278)
Vice-President: Ayman Kemal (ak2437)
Instagram: @clareIsoc
Clare Isoc is the college Islamic Society. Open to the college's Muslims and those who are interested in Islam.
To be added to the WhatsApp group chat, send ag2278 an email.
Clare Jazz Club
Co-Presidents: Joe Parker (jp2056) and Safi Tiotto-Smith (st936)
Instagram: @clarejazzclub
Email: clarejazzclub@gmail.com
Clare Jazz Club runs jazz nights in cellars, Clare’s student bar, throughout the year. Featuring student bands from around Cambridge as well as even larger up and coming jazz acts.
Society Of Clare Knitters (SOCKS)
President: Molly Richardson (mr930)
Instagram: @society_of_clare_knitters
SOCKs is the Soc for all Clare knitters, crocheters, and crafters! Join us for weekly wholesomeness. Limited needles and wool are available so please bring your own if possible. Don't forget a mug for UNLIMITED tea!
Clare Law Society
President: Yuvan Vasanthakumaran (yv220)
Master of Moots: Lily Sear (ls997)
Instagram: @clarelawsociety
Hello and welcome to the Clare Law Society. We are the foremost community for all the lawyers in Clare and for anyone feeling law-curious. We aim to create a fun (as much as law can be) and engaging set of events including socials, welfare events, speaker events, networking sessions, mooting opportunities galore, and routine dinners with all law students in college. If you don't do law and want to have a taste of the high life, you can also attend our events through application. Stash coming soon. Come along and discover the joys of engaging with your fellow lawyers.
For non-lawyers, email eh726 to be added to the mailing list
Clare Politics Society
Presidents: Kirann Davies (kd509) & Beth Fransham (bf356)
Instagram: @clarepoliticssociety
Clare Politics is Cambridge’s oldest non-partisan political society! We host regular speakers and events which everyone across Cambridge can attend!
Clare Sound
Co-Presidents: Khai Tran (kht38) & Robert Woodland (rbw32)
Instagram: @claresound
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ClareSound
Email: info@claresound.com
Clare Sound is Cambridge’s premier live music production society. We primarily focus on running gigs in Clare Cellars, working closely with Clare Jazz, but we also run several stages at various May Balls. Our work usually involves setting up sound equipment and live mixing, as well as the occasional lighting design. So if you're interested in what goes on behind the scenes to put on great shows, get involved with Clare Sound!
Clare South Asian Society
President: Rayyan Khan (rk748)
Clare South Asian Society is a relaxed and informal space for both students of South Asian ethnicity and those with an interest in the subcontinent's culture to get to know each other.
Clare Origami Club
President: Sing Wei Lim (swl47)
Vice-President: Donald Li (hfl30)
Instagram: @clare-origami
We hold biweekly meetings where we fold origami, chat, chill, and generally have a good time!
To join us, please fill in this google form: https://forms.gle/Wzn3k5Z89rK5ZEGM8
Alternatively, you can contact us on Instagram.
Whiston Society
Co-Presidents: Harry Chevassut (hc612) & Sophie Martin (sm2717)
Instagram: @whistonsociety
The Whiston Society is Clare’s very own student run science society! We put on speaker events (with world-class speakers from a wide range of sciences), socials (such as formal dinners, to celebrate the scientific community within Clare) and swaps with other college science societies!!! Our principal aim is to create a strong scientific community within Clare, from the youngest first year to the most seasoned fellow. Everyone can get involved, even if you don’t study science! So come and join this scientific community and sign up for Whiston, the best society at Clare (this is not a biased view, it is FACT!). Follow our Instagram for updates (@whistonsociety) and subscribe to our mailing list for full details on our events.