Visit Clare

Clare holds Open Day throughout the year, but prospective students are able to visit college throughout the rest of the year. Students who do not visit Clare are not disadvantaged at all in the applications process, but it might help you decide that Clare is right for you!


Cambridge Open Days usually take place in July and September. These give you a chance to visit colleges, meet students and academics, and have any questions you may have answered. They can be very useful for deciding which college to apply to.

You can find information about Clare’s Open Days on the Clare website. This includes dates and information about activities and sessions the college is hosting on those days. For example, the July 2022 Open Day programme involved:

  • an introduction to Cambridge
  • subject sessions with the Director of Studies
  • interview discussions
  • parents’ Q&A sessions with an Admissions Tutor
  • tours of the Clare

Clare does not currently offer money to pay for travel to visit Clare. If you think this would be useful to you, please contact the UCS or Clare College to let us know; the UCS will use this to advocate for Clare changing its policy on offering to pay for travel to Clare.

The University website has a full schedule of college Open Days which you can access here


If you are unable to make it to a Clare Open Day, Clare is open to visits by prospective students throughout the year. If you speak to the Porters in the Porters Lodge at the entrance to most Clare sites, they’ll let you in for free and point you in the direction of the Admissions Office if you wanted to talk to anyone about admissions.