Meet the Committee

Find your elected UCS representatives for 2024 – 2025 below. Feel free to get in touch whenever with any questions! You can contact any of us by email by adding to our CRSids below. Every term, the UCS holds open meetings, so you’re also welcome to come and field questions in person.

Executive Officers

Mia Da Costa

My name is Mia, I am a third-year law student and I am very excited to be your UCS President! As President, I will primarily be representing the undergraduate student voice in regular meetings with college. I will strive across the next year to improve communications between college and push for improvement on issues that are relevant to our Clare community. I will also be organising and chairing an incredible committee that I couldn’t be more pleased to work with! I look forward to meeting students new and old, bombarding you all with snacks and fun times, and continuing to lurk on the UCS Instagram. Otherwise, I am always available to hear your feedback or have a casual chat, especially if it involves theatre or iced coffee.

Vice President
Molly Richardson

 A close-up image of Molly sitting at a table in a restaurant. She is smiling and holding a passion-fruit cocktail. She has long, light hair and is wearing a dark top.

I’m Molly, and I’m a third-year BioNatsci from North Yorkshire. As Vice President, I have the flexibility to spontaneously adapt to the needs and wants of the Clare community and I am extremely excited to work with this year’s committee to achieve this! I am really keen to maintain Clare’s relationship with Cambridge City Foodbank, and to enhance Clare’s outreach and access events, particularly outside of the South-East. If you have any issues, queries, or suggestions feel free to email me directly, or to fill out the UCS anonymous feedback from (can be found in your inbox, the UCS Instagram bio, or our website). I really want to be driven by student interests, so your feedback would be greatly appreciated!

Niamh Cafferty

A picture of Niamh. She has short brown hair, is wearing a grey top and a pink jacket and holding a pink phone.

Hiya! I’m Niamh (she/her) and I’m a second-year law student who will be your Secretary this year! You’ll become very familiar with my email and my name when I send out UCS bulletins and advertise any opportunities for students! I want to make sure that communication between the UCS and the student body is strong and fruitful – and don’t worry, my minutes will be detailed! You can find me in the Law Library or being an FML warrior – if not, come to the boathouse to see me do a dreadful erg! If that’s not quite your speed, contact me; I’d love to hear from you!

Catriona McCleery

A mid shot of Cat with lots of houseplants in the background. She has a fringe, colourful dungarees, and she is smiling at the camera.

Hi everyone! I’m Cat (she/her), the new UCS treasurer. I’m a third-year Natsci, doing Earth Sciences. As treasurer I will be your first point of contact for society funding, so email me with any questions and any receipts so I can provide reimbursements. The huge range of opportunities in Cambridge is amazing, so I aim to make sure the college provides support for a wide range of student societies and events, giving everyone a chance to take part in something they enjoy. I will also sit on the college finance committee, where I will make sure to push all student feedback. Outside looking at rocks for my degree, I enjoy looking at more rocks for fun (hiking and climbing), gardening (shameless plug for the best college society, please come along to Clare Growers!), cooking and reading. Do get in touch with any questions!


Academic Affairs Officer
Isabella McNicholas

A mid-shot of Isabella standing in front of the head table in the Great Hall. She is smiling and has medium-length blonde hair and a pink dress. The façade and paintings of the Great Hall's back wall are visible in the background.

My name is Isabella (she/her), I am a second-year Law student and I am excited to be your Academic Affairs Officer! My role is to be a point of contact for academic life in college, and improve students’ academic experience. I will also be a member of the Library Committee, and work with the Education officer within the Cambridge Student Unions. I aim to improve Clare’s study spaces, organise next tear’s subject reps, and provide exam support throughout the year. When I’m not grinding in the FML late at night, I enjoy music, rowing with Clare, and eating lots of sweet treats. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact me.

Buildings Officer
Francesca Ward

A selfie of Francesca wearing a blue sweatshirt with an image of a wave on it. She has shoulder-length brown curly hair, a fringe, and a nose-stud. In the background is a bookcase and a wooden dresser containing crockery.

I’m Francesca, a third year from Kent studying Social Anthropology within HSPS. This year, I’ll be taking on the role of Buildings Officer. My primary concern within this role will be advocating the student voice when it comes to manners including accommodation quality, rent prices, room selection, and concerns relating to the maintenance system. As we move towards adopting a new balloting platform, and as construction work continues across Clare, it is my job to protect student interests and make any related transitions as smooth and straightforward as possible. When I’m not reading about how children’s lunchboxes are actually instruments of the state in the depths of West Hub, or then pretending to write a few-thousand coherent words about it in the FML, I can usually be found around the River Room and Cellars. If not, don’t hesitate to contact me with any concerns, ideas, or queries! 🙂

Environmental Affairs Officer
Lily Sear

A headshot of Lily with a background of a white wall covered with posters and photos. They are wearing a blue jumper, have short spiky brown hair, a nose stud and are smiling at the camera.

My name is Lily (they/them) and I am a third-year Law student. I am thrilled to be your Environmental Affairs Officer! My role is to work with College to maintain the push for greater sustainability in Clare, and make students’ demands for environmentally friendly policies heard! I will also liaise with Green Officers from other colleges to ensure Clare’s involvement with University-wide initiatives, and work with our very own Clare Goes Green to organise a range of events for the Clare community. I am particularly passionate about the importance of food, and ensuring that this is both delicious and environmentally responsible! When I’m not camped out in a library, you can often find me working a shift in Cellars, or playing football! If you have any questions or suggestions, please get in contact.

Ethical Affairs Officer
Ananya Ajit

A picture of Ananya sitting in at a table the Great Hall at a formal. She has curly black hair and is smiling.

My name’s Ananya (she/her), I’m a second-year Law student and I’m very excited to be your Ethical Affairs Officer. My role involves organising and maintaining college’s strong links with community outreach and charitable work as well as exploring ways for Clare students to give back to their community through food drives and campaigns. I’m hoping to continue to work closely with community action groups across Cambridge and am particularly passionate about making further links with women’s charities and shelters in the local area. Outside of pretending to be productive in the law reading rooms, I love to sing, eat ice cream and take an unnecessary number of photos. Feel free to contact me with any ideas/concerns or even just for a quick chat!

Services Officer
Rayyan Khan

An upper-body shot of Rayyan at a table in a formal hall. He is looking at the camera with his hands clasped together. In the background are other formalgoers at another table.

Hey everyone, my name’s Rayyan, I’m a second-year Economics student, and I am delighted to be your Services Officer. I’m hoping to improve the provision of all services, (obviously the LCR snacks and beverages) provided by the college and welcome all of your feedback both in person and by email. You’ll often find me in the FML until midnight or floating around Mem Court so feel free to say hi.

Social Secretary
Harry Chevassut

A headshot of Harry with a formal dinner in the background. He is wearing a black dinner jacket, waistcoat, and bowtie, he has ginger hair and has black eyeliner on.

Hi everyone! My name is Harry (he/him), I am a third-year Natural Scientist, and I am very excited to be your next Party Officer (aka UCS Social Secretary)! (I love a formal and I love a cellars night; me and this role are match made in heaven). As social secretary, I will be organising our wonderful themed formal dinners and BOPs, hopefully with more fun and creative themes than ever! I would also like to strengthen the relationship between the groups who organise Cellars events, to create a broad, cohesive, and exciting social calendar for all undergrads at Clare to enjoy! When not pulling my hair out over a lab report, one can find me (oft reluctantly) rowing, “baking” no-bake cheesecakes, outfit planning my next formal or draining my student loan in the Clafe. I am aiming to bring the HYPE to Clare’s social scene, but I cannot do that alone. Please feel free to get in touch (email or find me for a chat) to discuss all things socials. See you in Cellars darlings!

Sports & Societies Officer
Thomas Gilbert

A headshot of Thomas with a street and greenery in the background. He has short blond hair and a white shirt, and is smiling.

I’m Thomas (he/him), a fourth year from Southampton studying Chemistry and I’m really looking forward to being your Sports & Societies Officer this year! My role involves organising events including the Clare Societies Fair in Fresher’s Week and a sports day with our Oxford Sister College later in the year. Additionally, I will be maintaining a database of sports teams and other societies within Clare and looking after the College Gym. I will be  available as a point of contact year-round for any club organisers/captains who need assistance with organising funding/venues, liaising with college and promoting activities/events. When I’m not having curly-arrow fuelled nightmares in a library somewhere, you can find me playing netball, in one of Cambridge’s various coffee shops or at a Clazz night in Cellars! Otherwise, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via email with anything at all 

Equalities & Liberation Officers

Access Officer
Max Eshelby

A mid-shot of Max standing in the gate of Clare Bridge. He has short brown hair and wears a gown. Other post-matriculation students can be seen in the background.

I’m Max, a second year studying History from Kent, and I’m delighted to be your Access Officer this year! My role involves working with College and students alike to organise our school outreach programmes, such as the Enhancement and Shadowing Schemes (alongside Lex, our Class Act Officer). My main goal is to improve College’s outreach with more social media content, as well as offering more opportunities for Clare students to get involved. As a humanities student blessed with reading weeks, you can usually find me attempting to row, playing football, or pretending to read in the FML. If you’d like to get involved with anything outreach-related, feel free to contact me!

Class Act Officer
Lex Lilley

A mid-shot of Lex, smiling and wearing a gown. She is standing against the parapet of Clare Bridge with King's in the background.

I’m Lex (she/her), a second-year lawyer from Devon, and your new Class Act Officer. My role is to represent and bring together people from a working class/state school background in Clare. I will be working closely with Max (the Access Officer) and college to organise the Enhancement Scheme for next academic year. My main goal is to foster a strong Class Act community, to bring a sense of relatability to Cambridge. You will usually find me in the UL or in one of the many Sidge libraries. I’m always looking for an excuse to procrastinate so please come and have a chat. If you are not a library goer then feel free to email me 🙂

Disabled Students’ Officer
Eva Heffernan

A selfie of Eva smiling in front of a foliage background. They have medium-length brown hair and round glasses, and wear a light green jumper.

My name is Eva (they/she). I am a third year studying Law. In the UCS, I am your new Disabled Students’ Officer! My role is to represent and support Disabled students in Clare. My role encompasses all disabilities covered by the Equality Act 2010, including physical impairments, neurological conditions (e.g. ADHD), and mental illnesses. I will be representing you in UCS meetings, as well as being a general point of contact for help, support, and signposting if you’re a disabled student. In the short term, I’m excited to be bringing out a new handbook for disabled students at Clare! I’m also looking to create a newsletter, and to organise some fun events to bring disabled students together. I’m often in the Law faculty grinding out those Land law problems, but I also enjoy walking, writing, photography, and tabletop games. If you’d like to reach out or chat, my email is always open.

Ethnic Minorities Officer
Serena Nielson

A photo of Serena smiling with other people visible in the background. They have a curly brown bob, a white T-shirt reading 'CUHCS HOLI 2024' and have coloured powder on their face, hair and T-shirt.

I’m Serena and I’m a third year studying Anglo-Saxon Norse and Celtic (ASNC for short)! As your Ethnic Minorities Officer, my role is to ensure that all students in college feel comfortable to celebrate and express their ethnic and cultural identities, and as such I will do my best to help address and resolve any concerns relating to this. Additionally, I would love to organise some Clare and inter-college formals and swaps, as well as share information about other events going on in Cambridge. Please let me know if there are any events you’d like to organise, or any you’ve heard of that you would like me to share, whether they’re at another college, uni-wide, or just in Cambridge!
When I’m not on Sidgwick site for lectures or in the EFL, you can find me in the River Room Café or spot me around Mem – feel free to come and have a chat, or email me if you have any ideas, suggestions, or just want to talk.

International Students’ Officer
Prateeti Saran

A mid-shot of Prateeti in front of a subtropical foliage background. She has long black hair and small hoop earrings, and is wearing a black and white dress.

Hey everybody! My name is Prateeti (she/her), a second-year CompSci from Dubai. I’m so excited to be the UCS’s International Students’ Officer this year. International students face a unique challenge in moving in/moving out, settling into college, and integrating with the culture at uni. My job entails representing the international students in all matters of the college, making sure that our specific problems are solved, and that all international students feel well-integrated in Clare. The international students rep while I was a fresher (shoutout to Sing Wei!) did such a great job making me feel welcome and integrated in my first few weeks, and I really hope to carry that on. When I’m not library hopping around town, I like to spend my time rock climbing, taking walks around Cambridge, and painting. You can usually find me in the River Room, or infiltrating a Sidge Library. I’m more than happy for international students (or otherwise :)) to come to me with any concerns or suggestions (or just for a chat!). Feel free to email me, leave a note in my pidge, or come up to me anywhere!

LGBTQ+ Officer
Mary Skuodas

A mid-shot of Mary with a background of plants on a wall. They have short curly brown hair, a green jumper, brown glasses and they are smiling at the camera.

I’m Mary (they/them), I’m queer and trans gender non-conforming and I’m a third year studying Natural Sciences. I’m so excited to be your LGBTQ+ officer this year. I’m excited to keep up my momentum in another UCS Liberation Role, supporting the wonderful queer community of Clare. In this role, I’ll strive to maintain Clare as a welcoming college for all students, advocating for LGBTQ+ students to college and ensuring everyone can access community and support, both in college and beyond. I look forward to more fantastic queer events this year and working on strengthening the support for transgender students starting college. Outside of working I love to read, care for the Clare Allotment and tend to my extensive houseplant collection. I always love hearing from you – so feel free to reach out at any time with any questions, queries or concerns!

Women+ Officer
Erin Abrahams

A photo of Erin sat down at a formal. She has blonde hair, big glasses, and a black dress with a Clare gown on!

I’m Erin (she/her), a second-year education student and your new women+ officer. I hope to represent all women+ in college, with a particular focus on ensuring free period products remain available around college, gender inclusive language, women+ sports screenings (I am a BIG Arsenal WFC fan), and modifying the freshers week consent programs. I’m looking forward to working with everyone else on the UCS to approach women+ in the most intersectional and inclusive manner possible! When not in Clare I’m probably a trek away at EdFac but despite the distance you can always contact me on email!

Welfare Officers

Anna Viehhauser

A photo of Anna in front of Clare bridge, wearing a black gown over a white shirt. She is tucking her short hair behind her ear and smiling at the camera.

I’m Anna (she/her), a second-year historian, and I am excited to be one of your Welfare Officers this year! I’ll be working closely with Enyioma and Mira to make sure that the Clare community keeps on fulfilling its friendly and welcoming reputation, with access to welfare woven throughout. We want to ensure that all students (yes, you!) can easily make use of the professional mental health support provided by college, as well as enjoy regular pick-me-ups in the form of free snacks, inter-college swaps, or just a helpful chat to get things off your chest. When I’m not pretending to write my essays in the library or the River Café, you can find me playing football, painting, journaling, or escaping to Grantchester Meadows for a mental health walk (company always appreciated!). Contact me anytime; for concerns, or just a chat!

Enyioma Anosike

Picture of Enyioma outside in a black Nike jacket and football shirt with some of Enyioma's friends in the background. He is midway through eating a burger and chips and is looking into the camera.

My name is Enyioma (he/him). I’m a second-year law student from Manchester and one of your three Welfare Officers alongside Anna and Mira!
I’m looking forward to helping make sure that welfare plays an integral role within the college, and will be striving to provide all the access to communication channels, drop-in events, college swaps and free donuts and pizza necessary.
When I have given up on work for the day, I love playing instruments, writing, and football. If there are any other Manchester United fans reading this, feel free to ask for a welfare check immediately.
If you ever need anything at all, from a quick chat to sustained support to solve a problem, feel free to contact me or check the library solitude rooms on the top floor.

Mira Lakhani

A photo of Mira on the Clare bridge with a river and greenery in the background. She is wearing a black gown over a blue shirt, has long brown hair and is smiling to the camera.

I’m Mira (she/her), I’m a second-year Phys NatSci and really excited to be one of Clare’s welfare officers this year! Our role is to make students at Clare feel supported and part of the community within college. I’m looking forward to working with Anna and Enyioma to run regular welfare events and drop-ins for the next year. We hope to be as approachable as possible and support anyone who needs it. Our main aim is to make life at Clare as enjoyable as possible for students. We will also take any feedback from students about how improve college life back to the UCS. When I’m not in labs, I enjoy music and rowing for Clare. If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact me, or if you see me around college feel free to pop and say hi, I’m always open to chat 🙂


Clareification Editor
Meryn Banks

Meryn is wearing a red turtleneck jumper against a red and white background. She has short light brown hair and is looking up, away from the camera.

I’m Meryn (she/her) of third year English, and I’m Clareification’s new editor.
I hope to reinvigorate our college magazine during my year as editor, publishing once a term and broadening the range of contributions. For this I will need your help! I’m calling for submissions of articles, opinion pieces, satire, creative writing, poetry, and photography, all on any subject you like. I also hope that I might gather a little team of regular writers.
Please email submissions or enquiries to me or leave a treat in my pigeon hole at Castle Court. I can’t wait to see what Clareification will become!

Fourth Year Rep
Sally Edser

A photo of Sally smiling at a formal. She has long brown hair and glasses, and is wearing a green Christmas cracker crown.

I’m Sally (she/her) and I study Classics. I’ve made a return to the UCS as 4th Year Rep, which pretty much does what it says on the tin – my job is make sure that 4th years are supported as much as possible in Clare, and ensure that the voices of 4th years are represented on the UCS committee.
If I’m not in the LCR, I’ll be running late to lectures on Sidge or trying to find ways to bake using the college facilities, but please feel free to contact me whenever!

IT Rep
Luca Swinnerton

A selfie of Luca outside a house with a ginger tabby cat. Luca has medium-length brown hair, facial hair, and a blue t-shirt.

I’m Luca (he/they), and I’m a third-year mathmo. I’m back again as IT rep this year, which involves helping the UCS with anything technology-related, as well as running the website, email lists, and helping any of you with IT issues!
Outside of maths, I also play music and take far too many naps. Feel free to get in touch with any computer-related suggestions or concerns!

Social Media Rep
Áine English

A headshot with Áine to the left hand side, and a cityscape at sunset visible behind her. She has long brown hair and a black leather jacket, and is smiling.

Hey! I’m Áine (she/her), a second-year MMLer. I can’t wait to be the UCS’s Social Media Rep this year, especially after seeing how much of a great job Mia and Nell did last year! I’m looking forward to running the Instagram, creating an online informative space for both current and future Clare students. I can normally be found writing last minute essays in the FML or taking a pub quiz way too seriously, but you can also contact me on email 🙂

Trans & Non-binary Rep
Luca Owen-Jones

A photo of Luca sat on a sofa with a mug. They have short curly brown hair and are wearing a hoodie and grey cords.

Hi everyone! I’m Luca (they/he), a second-year engineer, and I’m really excited to be your new Trans & Non-binary Rep! Working closely alongside our LGBTQ+ officer, my role is to ensure that Clare remains a welcoming college for all, and to provide a platform for trans and GNC students. I am also hoping to put on some great queer events! Outside of work, I’m usually in cellars, wandering aimlessly around town, or telling people that I play ice hockey.
Feel free to contact me at any time!

Admirals of the Punts

Zoe Edwards (ze220) and Ben Benson (bb658)